Friday 7 September 2018


It has been on the news that the magpies are swooping early this year, it is usually late Sept and October.

There used to be a bad one around here and it would swoop the kids going to and from school. It was before Lucy so it didnt bother me that much, I would just drive that area. One time about eight years ago, I was riding my bike and I felt something hit my helmet, I thought it was a branch come down from the trees but then it happened again and again, it was a blasted magpie, got that close that he was hitting my helmet. I got off the bike and crossed the road then returned home, keeping my eye on him. He didnt swoop me again as I was watching him.

Saturday we were walking with Lucy in a newish area about 20 kms from home. A maggie came and swooped Lucy, coming down about a foot off her head, we heard and saw the flap of wings at the same time. She was on her lead and about two metres in front of us.

The ones around here must be a bit slow as Lucy and I have just come back and we saw a couple in the park but definately not in swooping mode, will have to start taking a long umbrella with us and just put over my shoulder as a deterant.

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