Thursday 27 September 2018

Musical stock yards

A musical bridge at a stock yards? How can that be? But it was true.

A small town in outback Queensland and as they had reverse parking (such a pain  ut even more so went towing a caravan) we drove into a side street to park.

I made coffee and then Warren had a short rest while I toured the township.
 Bit hard to see here but in the middle is the musical bridge, Adian is next to it as they caught up to us. Either side of the pipes were two rubber dongy things to hit the notes, they were attached to the bridge and long enough to reach all the notes. The nites were etched into the pipes.
This was one of the gates to get into the middle and therefore the bridge, of course there just had to be a cache up inside the cowbell! We also discovered that there was an actual Bonus Downs property further on out the road.

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