Thursday 5 April 2018


Well, we left Morriset yesterday morning at 7am. Didnt intend to go that earlier but we woke up and just got organised and it turned out that way. Pribabky lucky as it was just starting to rain as we left.

I thought we were missing Sydney but did get caught up in some traffic mainly trucks, got into the outside lane at ine poibt to discover that lane was turning to the right and we needed to go straight on. Warren put on his blinker and the truck behide let us in thank goodness. Soon we were on the motorway and continued south.

Dropped into our former area of residence to fibd the guy we were goinf to see was on holidays but Warren was able to give a colleague of his the stuff he wanted to leave. Probably good that he wasnt there as they would have been chatting for an hour or more. Continued on from where we thought we would stay. Pulled up in a nice park which has drive through suites and they are ensuite, cost an extra $10 but very nice to have own shower and toilet at doorstep of van.

Made a cup of coffee, went to fridge and it hit me with a smell! Oh no, a container with pickled red peppers had fallen over and spilled everywhere plus a container of soup had also fallen and lid was off but that was against the wall of fridge so not much if that was spilled. Used up all the paper towel to mop it up.

Rough roads coming in to Sydney was to blame I think. Warren went to get clean clothes out this morning and tells me that all his coat hangers are intact. I woukd have rather his shirts off hangers rather than the fridge mishap.

On we go today fir another four or five day stay.

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