Thursday 5 April 2018

Com Games

Wow, thats what we are watching at the moment. Saw a little of the opening ceremony last night but would rather watch the sports.

Currently it is the tandem cycling with one sighted rider and one non sighted rider. I have not seen it before but it is amazing. Our team just broke the Commonwealth record, I wonder how long it will last.

Grabbed two caches today on the drive, first one was in a small town just off the freeway. We were going to get fuel as well as toilets and morning tea but it appears the town is dying and there was only one fuel pump in town and we werent able to get the caravan near it.

After a loo visit, it was a short walk to the post office and that was the name of tge cache. It was actually a post office box, no lock in the box and could put finger in lock hole and open, brilliant. Second one was at a rest stop and in a mistletoe tree, nice quick walk to stretch the legs.

Arrived in Melbourne just before 3 pm, we have stayed at this park before but we are in a different area, could be because we are staying for at least four nights. I had to get out a cardigan and the heater is going, probably wont have the fan on tonight. Welcome to Melbourne.

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