Friday 13 April 2018

A piece of history

We lived in Yass for several years and travelling home we took the road that turned north just before Yass. Geo caching when travelling gives a good excuse for stopping for a break so we had targetted one that was called John Gilbert. I was in front so got there first, then there was a call from Warren he would be a little late as he has blown a tyre.

I soldiered on, on my own and this is what I found.
This told the story of Johnny Gilbert,  he had been one of Ned Kelly's gang.
The steps led up to his grave.
John Gilbert was shot here
and buried where he was shot in 1845! Very quiet place fenced off when a pull off park and a sign announcing Gilberts grave. A piece of history that I wouldnt have known about had it not been for geo caching, yes, I found the cache too!

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