Wednesday 1 November 2017

Nanowrimo starts today!

I have a few ideas but haven't done anything about it yet.

Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month, the idea is to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month, November, that is 30 days. Its only 1660 or so each and every day.

If that is achieved, then the author can have their novel put into novel form ready for sale or whatever for free.

I have done it for the last seven years and been a 'winner" each time although I have only gone on and had the first two published, the rest are still on the computer.

They suggest just to write for the month, get the words down then edit it after and boy oh boy does that take some time to do. I tend to leave it alone for a month or so then reread and correct/edit.

If one is a winner then one has until the following June to get the 'manuscript to the web site who does the final 'getting the book together."

I need to get started but as always I am thinking of other things that I "need" to do first! I promised myself that i will start at 9 am, its now four minutes away and I am thinking of a coffee that I need etc etc.

The house is quiet and there is no excuse really, I tell myself that I dont have to do it but that doesnt really cut the mustard.

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