Sunday 5 November 2017

And another project is completed.

I love working to a time frame although I haven't had much to do with one except to suggest it be done before we leave home again.

The history on it. We thought it would be nice to have a fountain in the back yard, I always liked one of those wall type things with the water sprouting from them into a pond. I got told no way.  had to rethink, Bunnings had small fountains but they required a pump and electricity points etc etc so a fountain went in the too hard basket.

Last July we were at the local farm fest and a place had all types of garden accessories including solar powered fountains. This definitely sparked our interest so we went to inquire and ended up buying for approx $60.

Next thing was we needed something for it to go into and another few months went by, until we saw a big pot plant at Bunnings but of course it had a hole in the bottom of it for drainage. Master of the house said that he could fix it and with some selastic he did. of course then it needed to cure and it has for twelve months.

was a mild day and I was busy writing, it is November so down he trots to Bunnings to get cement and he finished it off with another trip to Bunnings to buy potting mix and some plants.
Lucy was tired after her walk this morning, the bamboo is for her benefit, hopefully she wont put any bones in there.
I had to wait until the sun got high enough around eight o'clock for the fountain to operate.

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