Friday 24 November 2017

Burger king and a school visit

Warren took me downtown today to burger king, this did not exist before and neither did the massive shopping centre where it is housed. The burger were big, I would say that my hand would have spanned across it so pretty big, small fries and a coke cost 50rmb or a bit over $10. It was a busy place although we were the only Westerners. While we were eating we counted eight delivery drivers came in to pick bags to deliver, we knew that they were delivery people as they were still wearing their bike helmet.

Leaving the burger king, we decided to see what was upstairs and we saw our friend coming across the floor. She just happened to be there during her lunch as she had been wanting to buy a new winters coat, had been to several stores since it had turned cold and today was her purchasing day. She took us up so we could give the final verdict. It was a very nice long grey coat which looked very good on her. After she bought it, she took us along to show us  her school. She had bought this school with a school friend and his school friend so three of them own it.

Its very nice with cute little rooms, they teach 4 to 14 year olds, English, Chinese, mayhs and science plus drawing and painting. It is an after hours and weekend school,  many parents use these type of schools for their children to improve their grades.

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