Tuesday 31 October 2017

Trick or Treat

I suddenly rea lised last week when shopping that it was Halloween in a few days.
Quickly we grabbed some packets of chips and lollies that were done up espeacialy for Halloween.

The last couple of years, the numbers has fallen off but never know how many kids are going to turn up.

No one had been when we sat down to dinner at around six oclock, last year kids started coming about five.

In the space of forty five minutes we had emptied the box of chips, the candy canes and almost all of the lollies. There were groups of kids who came together with a parent or two standing on the roadside, we live in a dead end street so very little traffic.

One little girl about three thanked me for the candy that I gave her and turned to go then she came back and said something which I didnt understand. Her bigger brother was trying to get her to go and told us that she asked for it to be opened. We told her to take it home. "Okay" she said and run off to Mum.

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