Wednesday 22 November 2017

Bu yao

We went to visit a friend and her little boy yesterday, he is two and a half. He speaks quite well for his age and yesterday his favourite word was bu yao or No in  English. Kids are the same all over what ever langage they are speaking.  He could also tell us spidy man, he was watching the movie Spider man.

We had taken lunch of KFC and while that would seem to be easy, it wasnt. I saw advertised 30 pieces of chicken for 169 rmb, which sounded a good deal. There were five of us for lunch and we wefe thinking left overs for dinner.

First could only order that from app on phone no problem. With help Warren down loaded the app then had to get kfc menu, time to pay for order and payment had to be made by Alipay on phone! A couple of customers who spoke English had helped out and they ended up paying for us and we gave them the cash.

So much stuff now is done by phone.
Photo taken near their flatkfc

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