Saturday 14 October 2017

Ketichan Alaska

This was my favourite place to stop on our cruise. It rains 360 days of the year. we had booked to see Lumberjack show as we both love seeing men with axes at shows etc and this seemed to be similar.

we were able to walk off the ship and were directed to the show by agents on the wharf. We had to walk one block down and then two blocks up and we were there.

The arena was under cover but still open, the loggers were in the open, seats were tiered so everyone got a good view. The spruker came out and introduced himself and then told us about the weather, it was spitting rain at the time. He announced that was 'Ketichan Sprinkles" and not really rain at all.

The audience was divided into two camps, America and Canadian, we were on the side of the Canadians and our two guys were the ones on the right. They completed against each other either one from each team or they combined.

Each time a side won they placed a flag up, I think it was a draw of five each.

The last one was a log roll in water and of course they fell into the water and then one was pushed. It was a good show and even though it was for entertainment, they were very skilled at what they did with the axes and chainsaws.

The sun came out and it stayed clear all day, even the locals were out taking photos.

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