Friday 6 October 2017

Home, James!

For our last meal with J & S before leaving, we went to an English style pub called The Crow and Gate. Yum, great meal, I had the Stilton plate, like a ploughmans lunch but of course with stilton cheese.

Then it was off to the ferry which would take us back to the mainland and Vancouver. We had a leisurely dinner and then made our way thru to customs and immigration.

I had put my handbag into my back pack to make what I was carrying less. My new jacket has a zip up pocket on each side, so passport and pen in one, phone with travel card in the other. Took the tablet out and put into the tray, lady tells me that I need  to take my jacket off and add that to the tray.

Not a problem, followed another traveller who set off the bleeper when she went thru the doorway. The offical held his hand up to me while he indicated to her to take off her shoes and she had to go thru again, that time was okay.

My turn and it beeps, what!, no metal on me at all. Opps, I get both hands swabbed and had to wait over to the side while they went thru the machine. I was then waved thru, obviously I look sus. It is quite common for me to be called over to the side and either be patted down or a swab go over my carry on, but the hands being swabbed was a new one.

I didnt see anyone else getting that but it is pretty quick to go thru so it could be a regular thing.

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