Monday 9 October 2017

Arrgghh! Visas.

Today, being the first day available we travelled into Brisbane to get our visa application started for China. as I had an appointment this morning already, it was around lunch time that we arrived at the  office.

I couldnt believe it, the office was wall to wall people and people were even out in the corridor! What was going on? Then we realised, last week was Golden week in China and of course the office here had been closed, today was the first day back.

We went for lunch, tossing up maybe going back after lunch or another day. Warren thought that it would take hours for everyone to be seen so he is going to go in tomorrow ready for their opening. may still be busy but at least he would be there.

We went to a discount souvenir place and bought an Australian koala to take over for a Chinese friends new baby, yes, it is made in China but they would not have access to anything like that. We were also able to get some resources that we will be able to use with our teaching so not a lost day.

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