Monday 28 March 2016

Ocean Park Aquarium

A few kilometres out from Denham was this aquarium, we saw the sign and thought yes, why not, probably cost an arm and a leg but we are on holidays.
We were pleasantly surprised by the price $22 for adults or $20 for old farts like us. We joined a tour and had about an hour learning about and seeing the fish.
This is Lola a mantra ray who came to be fed, the guide is standing to the side and said that she liked attention and when she doesnt get it, she comes up the side of the pool splashing who ever is around. She came right up about eight inches out of the water.
There were sharks, stone fish Yuck ugly looking things and sea snakes, apparently they will bite but give a dry bite with no venom because they realise that humans are too big to eat so only a dry bite as a warning.

 Afterwards we had a prawn salad for lunch.

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