Thursday 17 March 2016

Cape Naturaliste

Leaving the Margaret River region today we took a detour to the Cape and ended up walking up to the lighthouse.
This lighthouse was more accessible than the one at Cape Leeuwin. Some people did go on a guided tour and actually went up inside the lighthouse and we could see them on the balcony. I knew that that many steps would be too many for me at this time so we chose to walk up and around the base of it. I was pleased that I was able to walk the reasonably steep road up.
A replica light was in the tea rooms.
On to Bussellton town centre and where  we parked, it was a special parking area for cars with caravans was this beautiful church.
I was impressed by the look of it and it was so well looked after, it was a bonus to see that it was the oldest stone church in WA.

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