Friday, 18 March 2016

Margaret River

Our last day in MR was very busy. A silk place was not far from our base at Gracetown so we started there. An interesting place, they grow mulberries and export the cocoons from the silk worms to Cambodia to be spun into silk and silk goods are returned to them for sale.We were able to see the hot houses.

Then we back tracked a bit to a chocolate place but they didnt have much in the way of being able to see it being made but there was a lot of chocolate to buy.
A few kms on was a dairy place and so we went in there, it had tastings and yogurt and cheeses for sale. We purchased a tub of yoghurt and three types of cheese, very well priced. Warren particularly wanted a cheese that has garlic in it, it was very mild and tasty.

Cowtown was next (far easier to write that than its real name which I dont know how to spell), found it rather expensive for lunch. Loved the cows around town though.
We continued on to MR for lunch where again it appeared rather expensive to eat, $17 for a hamburger and most were $25 for a sit down meal at a cafe. We opted for Squid Lips (the name got us in), then we got some information about coffee, chocolate and olives places to visit. They were all in the same area. The olive place had tastings and samples. I had heard of the family, they made soaps etc for their children who had all had bad skin conditions and couldnt use ordinary commercial soaps. I bought some foot solution and peppermint tea from the coffee place. All their coffee was beans which is not suitable for us at the moment. a nanna nap was in order after all that travelling around! It is a smallish area with a hell of a lot packed in to it. Not sure if there are more than seventy or more than ninety wineries in the region, we havent tried any as not much of drinkers.  

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