Friday 10 January 2014

To buy or not to buy (a freezer!)

A few days ago i wanted to do some cooking but there was no room in the freezer to put the excess or I didnt bake. That got me thinking, should we buy a freezer?

Part of me thinks that we shouldnt spend the money as we have a small store with walking distance, a bigger supermarket about two kms away with the big mall within four kms, how could I justify buying a freezer?

I have the money in the bank to buy, I could take advantage of sales, bulk buys etc could prepare meals and store, do double cooking.

I went to my Simple savings forum and asked the question, to buy or not? Most came back and said yes, they have one,two or three freezers and wouldnt be without them. Some mentioned things to be aware of which was most helpful and a couple said that they were in the process of getting rid of theirs to cut down on power costs.

Trying to squeeze the rest of a loaf of bread into the freezer, my mind was made up, we ARE buying a freezer! But where to put it?

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