Wednesday 8 January 2014


We have bought one off Ebay would you believe. Warren saw it advertised on Ebay and it was exactly what we wanted and under our budget as well. Bid on it and won it! Had to make a redraw on our house loan but that had been paid off and left just in case! Well, in case came along.

Funny how we were discussing it only a few days earlier than we really didnt need to buy a van until next year and we could save for it. I had laughed and said that we were really good at paying things off but not good at savings so maybe we should just use our redraw. One of those throw away comments.

The guy got a roadworthy and gas thingy and its reg til May, then he offered to deliver it to us as it was on his vehicle, bonus! They had even put the TV back inside, it was not there when we viewed it. So far every thing works, I dont like the curtains so will replace them. They are okay but pretty glarey, reds and blues, cant imagine waking up to them in the mornings.

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