Wednesday 8 January 2014


I went to two group sessions at the library and was interested in taking it further so when a free consultion (one on one) was offered I took the chance. My appointment was the day that we left for our cruise, in hind sight, not a good time as I put on two and a bit kilos, then working at the tennis when dinners were supplied. So out of 30 days, twenty days were catered.

My second appointment was Monday and I weighed before I went and i was up 1.3 kilos from my last appointment, an exact month before.

Its a strange feeling being hypnotized, I could hear myself speaking and I knew what i was saying but until i heard my voice, i didnt have any idea what i was going to say. I also remembered after what had taken past which had been a bit of a concern to me.

i usually weigh myself on wednesdays, I stopped weighing every day a few months ago, i try to only do it on Weds. To my great surprise, I had lost two kilos in two days and now i am the lightest that I have been in six months, since coming back from China! i have one final appointment at the end of the month.

Its not cheap, $150 a session (group ones was $22) but if it continues to work for me then well worth it. Warren just asked if i wanted dessert and seemed surprised when i said no to that or a choccie bar but i just dont feel like eating.

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