Thursday 9 January 2014


Three years ago we got solar panels installed. The first few bills were reasonable and then they started to go up. Warren says that maybe they need cleaning so he cleaned them in July.

Away on holidays in Oct and our neighbour contacts us to say that the solar box in garage has a strange reading on it. Ended up having to call the electricity crowd when we got home (they installed it).

Service man came out and said it was faulty and needed to be sent away. It was delivered back just before Christmas but couldnt be fitted until yesterday.

Finally after three months we have our solar panels and inventer up and running again. Today the electricity bill was due and it was $340 so not too bad seeing that we had no solar power at all thru that time but we were on holidays for some of that time too. Be interesting to see what the next bill brings as the company said that they would give us some "goodwill" because of the time frame.

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