Friday 10 January 2014

Spending spending and more spending.

Yesreday we set out from home, (it was pay day). i guess I shouldnt use that term any more but pension day instead, nah still pay day. It was also our free day from everything else. First stop was the RTA to do the rego on the van, then onto the motor bike shop, to buy a pair of gloves for a birthday gift. Also considered a chest plate but at $99 we decided against that.

Good guys were on the way, we had decided to llok at a small A/C for our room as well, they didnt have any in stock until wed 15, think they have missed out on sale for now anyway. Ten minutes to study the freezers and we had parted with $579 for a vertical freezer, pick up tomorrow, hopefully with the use of Chris' vehicle.

Spotlight was next to get material to replace the bright curtains in caravan, $71, next was a look in the camping store just in case we might see something we may "need". Another run over the card, thankfuuly a debit card not CC, we walk out with a table for the van, it was on sale for $20 less, bargain!

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