Friday 30 August 2013

An ongoing disaster

When I sat down at my sewing machine a few weeks ago, it didnt work. It hadnt been used for some months because of being away, I started researching new machines, costs etc. I decided before going and buying a new one, I would sit down and try to work out if I could do anything with it. Lo and behold, it worked, wow saving me about $200+. However, the bobbin rewinder still didnt work but I had plenty of wound bobbins so I didnt let that bother me. He about the house had offered to look at it for me, something for later.

I have been merrily sewing whatever my fancy takes me until last weekend when I had to put on my last bobbin of neutral colour, there were still a couple of blacks and navy blues but white or off white was the colour I mainly need to use certainly in the near future.

Put in my request for HATH (him about the house) to look at it SOON! Wednesday was the day (after I had greased the way with a yummy afternoon noon, I mentioned the machine. Right I'll do that right now.

HATH sits at my machine and needs instructions on what goes where and then when I turned away for a minute, the bobbin starts! I would like to say that hes a miracle worker but no, it was just that I had been trying to use the wrong button and of course it wouldnt go would it! Amazing what gets forgotten when something is not used for awhile.

In my defence, I'd like to point out that my sewing machine is a bit high tech (should be, I was urged to spend $3000 on it seventeen years ago by HATH)and it does not use a foot pedal. I was trying to use the straight stitch button instead of the go button which has an arrow on it and its red!

GF dropped for a chat and a coffee so HATH decided to clean my machine using the vaccumn cleaner (also to give us some chat time) and proceeded to pull it apart and defluff. Then he set it going and oh dear the noise it made was unreal. He emerged from the sewing room with a sheepish look and said I think you had better take it to somewhere for a service as I cant get it to go right.

I left it for a day and when he went out, I hurried into the sewing room to see what it was doing. OMG! the bit on the bottom was missing, therefore there was no tension. Again $$$$signs came up. When he returned I asked what he had done, at this stage, I didnt know that he had taken it apart. A little metal part was gone, we came to the conclusion that it had been sucked up into the vaccummn cleaner so we empty all the dirt and fluff onto a tarp outside and carefully go through it. No such luck, then HATH remembers that something had dropped on the floor so we go back to the sewing room and on all fours search on the carpet. Again nothing, a penny dropped, maybe it dropped inside the cavity of the machine so he unscrews the plate while I'm watching and then I see it, it was still there! just a quarter turn away from where it should be, took it out and replaced it in the right spot, screw plate back on and fingers crossed tested it. Sews like a new one, disaster averted again, thank goodness! 

Thursday 29 August 2013

"The Millers"

this sia funny movie. Last week for our wedding anniversity, I checked out movies and times and asked the other half about going, then he reminded me that he was booked to play tennis that night. Oh well, some other time which ended up last night. Yes, I know, not the cheapest night to go, if we wait til Tuesdays its going to cost $8 rather than $12. I was worried that the flipping movie would go off if we didnt see it this week.

Booked online, selected our seats and even ordered popcorn and coke. Lot of swearing in the movie but it does fit. really, really funny. Now I want to go and see Red 2.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Flavourstone cookware

I am always a bit wary of things advertised on TV, you know the ones that show this and promise the world. A few weeks ago, I did stop and watch a cookware demo and it seemed amazing. I posed a question on the SS forum, if anyone had them and what did they think. Some-one came back and said they had bought a non stick frypan from Big W which was working well for them. I checked it out and it looked preety similar and bought one, parting with $59. It is good and I di use it a lot but I wanted more.

I hate using the oven to cook roasts as it is a floor one and lifting a hot pan with a chicken and vegetables is not my idea of fun. If I could buy a roaster or Dutch oven that would cook on the stove top that would be sweet. Visited many places looking for such an item, no luck.

On the weekend, Hubby saw the ad and told me to ring them so I did. Just arrived this morning, I unpacked, washed and seasoned them, then thought I would try one of the things that they do on TV. Melted cheese straight into the pan. I didnt use as much as they did and added some ham, put a wrap on top and twisted it then flipped it out. OMG it worked and the pan was as clean as a whistle, just needed a wipe out. Looking forward to cooking more and clearing out my old saucepans, they are going straight to the bin.and that

Monday 26 August 2013


are great! Its my day to do what I want as hubby is off at tennis most of the morning. He always empties the dishwasher and makes the bed before he goes so I have the kitchen to tidy and put the washing on and then the morning is mine, all mine!
I put the cot blanket together almost had it finished before he got home. The dolls were the other things that I got completed this week, not a great deal to show for the week but we have been out quite a bit. I have been knitting a pop over Tshirt all week and that should be finished tonight.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Passionfruit butter

our vine is producing heaps of fruit and we have used them in desserts, over ice cream and given some away. Yesterday I saw a recipe for passionfruit butter so today i made it. I needed 12 and only had six left in the fridge so went looking for more, only one was down so I made half quality instead. supposed to use a double boiler which i have never owned but I di have stainless mixing bowls. It only took about fifteen minutes to make and looked and smelt pretty good.

Silly me, I told warren I would make scones for afternoon tea! Have not been successful with scones, the last lot I remember making were like rock cakes. Couldnt be bothered finding a recipe, how hard can they be?  So I throw some flour in a bowl and an egg and some milk, very dry so I decided to melt some butter, more milk. Then I remember that Mum used to roll the scone mixture out like bread and then cut into shapes, so i did that.

Slow oven, about 160, I usually go to 200 for everything but I read somewhere that 160/180 is enough for fan forced, I didnt want to burn the tops. OMG were they any good topped with the passionfruit butter it was very decadent! (Someone, who will remain nameless has just come looking for more, but I was clever and put the left overs in the freezer for later in the week). 

Catch up with rellies

Friday we drove to marchooydore to see barry, warren's brother and his partner Maureen. We had only met her once before. It was a good day marred by the fact that we had just heard that brother in law Allan had died earlier that day. He had been put into hospital with infections thru most of his body so it didnt sound too good and his body couldnt cope, I think he was about seventy seven.

Barry and Maureen have rented a flat overlooking the sea with a balconey, no furniture but they went to the local Lifeline and purchased what they needed. Plates and cups etc they brought from Maureen's mororhome which is in storage nearby.

We walked to a thai restruant for lunch, it was have to be the nicest place that I have eaten at for quite a long time and very reasonably priced, $44 for four. I had chicken satay, it said three sticks and I wondered if it was enough, well it was served with rice and salad and I think it was probably a full chicken breast between the three sticks. I am going to try to make it, it was yummy!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Closed our mortgage account today

Dadaaaa! Several years we opened a bank account that we thought we would be able to use in China. Not to be as it turned out so we used it to pay our mortgage instead. The branch is in Sunnybank, a long way from us. as we have finished with the mortgage, we have no further use for the account but has to direct the money elsewhere first.

A hour trip, had lunch (of course) and then a quick trip into the bank and walked out with a bit of cash and less bank accounts, an end of an era.

Dropped in to look at something in the reject shop, didnt buy that but bought a bit of other stuff as well. Home to relax. We were very good at lunch, sharing a plate of food and a drink, cost? just $10. After we had done what we needed to do, I suggested coffee and of course hubby askes for cake as well $14!ian


Hubby and I went to a seniors information session at a local museum this week. I thought that it would be info on where, how and when we could use our pension card, what servises were available etc etc.

What we found out is there is a big difference in seniors! We went in a group of red hats, six ladies and three husbands, I was the youngest and the oldest will be 65 next month. Then there was the other side with many walkers and carers. It cost $10 and we were invited to have morning tea first. Tea, coffee and creamy cakes, all well and good except if one is watching ones weigh.

Old fashioned music (from WW2 was being played), the MC got things going about 15 minutes late and couldnt seem to remember peoples names. First was a Police Officer and he asked what we thought was the biggest crime against seniors. Assault, snach and grab,robberies were mentioned and he assured everyone that over 55's were in the lowest percentage for those but computer fraud was the highest. He then went on to explain that one shouldnt give passwords and details over the net. Our group all use computer banking except one and fully aware of the dangers and pitfalls. The rest of the people I doubt would touch a computer.

Each presenter had aboit fifteen minutes and between them was the singalongs with music and songs that were old when I was little!

Someone spoke from the hearing and someone from the medic alert were one wears a pendant with an alarm, history of pigeons in the war and then a bush poet. Three hours all up! we have decided that seventy should be the new seniors! 

Sunday 18 August 2013

Boob Squeezing

or Breast screening to give it the right name. I received a letter to tell me that it was time for my appointment (I was thinking of calling as I thought it was three years since my last), two years since my last screen.

Its no great drama, the most you need to remember it not to put any deo or perfume in the armpit or breat area. My appointment was 10.45 and I was a little early, they had advised to allow 30 mins for the apt. I was called early and away again in less than fifteen minutes. Last time the girl had to do a second shot of one side as she hasnt got it right but this time, everything was sweet, four shots, two full on and two side ones, they are a bit tricky and have to move. Get dressed again and go.

Ten days later i had a letter telling me that everything was fine so no worries there. the screening has certainly improved or gotten slicker from the first time, that was ten years ago. No pain, just a little funny with some-one moving your boobs in different ways so they can take a piccy.

Puppy Raiser for the Guide Dogs

This is something that I have thought about for awhile and so when we saw a stand at the Farm Fest, we made an application. The information session was last Thursday for an hour and a half, there were about twenty people there altogether.

They talked about how to handle and train, do and donts showed a couple of short videos. It was very interesting and quite different to how most people would relate to a puppy/dog.

We were asked to go home and talk to family and friends to see if we could comply with the requirements. at this point in time, we have too much on our plates to be able to do it so we have postponed doing the puppy raising until next year.

Actually the time involved is more than having a new baby and they need to be taken everywhere and no baby sitting so full on.

Public Transport

have bebetween usBetween us, we have been travelling to the hospital on public transport, train and then bus. Twice the bus was full when I got on and as i made my way to the back a young guy about 20 stood up and offered his seat. The next time was a teenager in school uniform. I know that they are supposed to do this but it was very nice all the same.

The trip took just over an hour about the same time as driving with a bit of a walk in between and no parking hassles or costs so a win/win situation.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

New tiles

A couple of years ago we saw that the vinyl in the kitche was lifting at the corners, we thought that we should tile it. Of course when was the question. Yay, suddenly we decided we were going to do and ripped up the vinyl.
I bought the tiles but couldnt get the grey that we wanted so had to go a bit darker but I'm glad we did as it looks great.

It took about ten days to get finished and I was without a dishwasher for a week but definately worth it! Next is overhaed cupboards and a rangehood, maybe in another couple of years!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Three days days on my own, Bliss!

I dont think that I had spent a night alone in this house before, thats in ten years! It was bliss to be able to get up at what time suited me and have meals etc when it suited me. Not that my other half is demanding that meals and coffee at served at an exact time but I do usually consider or obsreve mealtimes regard of what I am doing at the time. No car available to me either which meant I stayed home or walked. I chose to stay home and get some projects at least started.

I have a huge stash of material and craft "stuff" that I want to trim down, I have ditched some stuff. My plan is to make cot quilts for CF babies with materials that I have, hummm, thought I had lots but not all is suitable. However i am going to work with what I have got to make a start. First one is blue as I have more blue material than anything else, a pattern in a book caught my eye so of course, I need to try it. Sme is handsewing so it wont be a quick projecto. Knitting while the footy is on and I got three done over the weekend.

Biker arrived back home in one piece for a late dinner and my time was over. It was an enjoyable time but nice to get back to "normal"