Thursday 4 July 2013


Its nice being home and having friends and family drop in and also take phone calls from others friends.
So, yes, friend from Tassie rang this morning, now it appears as we have pencilled in a trip to visit, we have been to tassie before, twice each, once together for a conference and we took two days after to have a quick look around. One thing about having the camper is that the only thin g is fuel and parks so pretty cheap, (its going to have to be!). Possibly next march or April. Just printed off a calendar that we can pencil things in on.

Jason phoned and asked if we were home, he and the boys were only twenty minutes away, could they come for lunch. I had the doings of sausages rolls in the freezer so quickly prepared them and got them into the oven, just coming out as they arrived.

Later I found a couple of things in the house that I needed so that was good, I can rest easy now and stop looking.

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