Friday 26 July 2013

Afternoon tea at the beach

We received an invite to a friend (and recently discovered cousin's) house for afternoon tea, I had an idea that it was her birthday as it did turn out to be. There were six of us altogether, some other friends did not show. Fresh sandwiches and a sponge with cream and strawberries, yum! She only moved to the area about six weeks ago. Nice place, very open plan and can see the water from the back garden, its only a few metres away.

As we were out and about, I did a few things on the way home, went to the libary while Warren went to the bank. He needed cash for the weekend which usually cars or ATMs are used but not this time. then I went to Spotlight to buy a piece of material that I plan to make this weekend, finally I drove to another friend's place to pick up the pattern. Just as well, I was driving and he was a bit amazed at where and why I was going to different places. Just got to get as much done while out as possible. The less times I leave the house the more money I save!! well thats the therory.

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