Monday 22 July 2013

The Heat

Last week we went out to dinner and a movie, cost was $16 each, pretty good value. the meal was at the local bowling club and there was plenty of it, I had roast pork and vege but couldnt eat it all. It was a nice meal but I didnt think it was worth raving over. The movie however was a different kettle of fish. I was loving the ads on TV and had also seen an interview that someone did with Sandra Bullock. often though the best bits are shown in the shorts and that is all there is, but not this one! I would have to say it was one of the funniest movies i have seen in a long time. The two women really compliment each other and with out the intent really play the bad cop good cop roles. I would go and see it again. Lots of four letter words but it fits with the theme, no sex and very little drugs. Top movie.

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