Sunday 14 August 2022


 First visit in over three years. We have caches there and like to check on any of our owned caches once a year. I had packed supplies to do this, only one was missing Miss Frilly Knickers. A small teddy bear with, you guessed it frilly knickers glued to a mint tin. She had been placed in a type of cave in the rock on the side of the road. Had been found a month ago, we think that frilly knickers hadn't been put back securely and maybe an animal had taken it. Any way we replaced in with an ordinary container. Finders had added or replaced logs on some of the others. Very pleased to see that.

It was Warren's birthday, the day we were there so I took him to the pub for lunch. There is a pub, a post office, garage and caravan park.

Wedges with bacon cheese sweet chilli and topped sour cream. Yum, we shared and couldn't finish the bowl!

Scenes from Tooraweenah sunny day.

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