Sunday 28 August 2022

Temperate blanket

 This intrigued me and I had seen a few of them but I didn't really like what I saw so I created my own.

Basically a temperate blanket is crocheting one row each day of the year to correspond with that days temp. Therefore it would be 365 rows with many different shades.

Too hard basket for me so I choose six colours and did a granny square for each day.

Blue 15 to 19, green 20 to 24, yellow 25 to 29 and red for 30 plus. A final row of grey around each one. 

I set it out like a calendar with Monday being the first day, if Wednesday was the first day of the month, then it was a solid grey and maroon was a filler at the end of the month.

It was to be Jan and Feb with Mar and Apr under it, then I realised how big it would end up. Warren has six months and I will have the second six months on a smaller scale.

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