Friday 5 August 2022

Rain and more rain.

 An hour after getting the road, it started to rain and it kept raining all the way to Canberra. We stopped for toilets and lunch and they had nothing prepared at this particular road stop. We continued to the bakery, we were in NSW at the time and theyback into the curb, bit difficult when towing.

I saw a clearway but there was a sign saying no parking on Thursday between 10am and . 2pm on Thursdays. Thinking we were okay, Warren pulled in, then we realised it was Thursday and 1.30pm. A country store was further down, again no hot food, could only buy a muffin.

At Cooma, I suggested we pull over for a hot drink and hopefully there would be a break in the weather. Warren wanted to keep going as it was only 120ks away.

Soon we were seeing familiar roads even though the GPS took us around Canberra and to the north arriving at 3.30pm. Because of the rain, it was almost dark. Warren insisted in putting the trailer up himself, saying that it was no point both of us getting wet.

It was only about ten minutes before we were inside. No cooking for us last night, we went out to our old suburb and bought takeaway.

Rained on and off during the night and we woke to clear blue skies this morning.

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