Wednesday 3 August 2022

Almost Spring

 Yeah, right. Think the weather gods haven't looked at the calendar as it is still so cold.

It hasn't been above 20 for many days. Today being on the east coast, weather report says 19.5 but feels like 12.5. Not sure how they come to that conclusion but I would agree, it is quite windy.

Arriving at Rob's in Melbourne, there is a small park and playground opposite his house and I saw a tree thinking about spring (do trees think?).

If you look closely there is a hint of colour there.

We have a red car and our grandson just bought a red car last month, he passed his licensee on the first try last week. Second grandchild to do so, I thought it was rather rare to get it on the first, so two for two, third one is learning.

Anyway theres red and then there's red.

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