Sunday 21 August 2022

Newcastle/Stockton beach

 Hate driving through Sydney so we usually drive through NSW west of Sydney. However we wanted to catch up with old friends who live in Newcastle, north of Sydney. Actually it is more north than we thought but anyway we went from Tooraweenah directly East to Stockton. 

Our friends had picked a pub to meet up for dinner which was only a km from our caravan park. We were going to walk then realised it would be dark coming home so we did drive just as well as there were road works and detours. We were early but so were they. They had caught a bus and then a ferry! What!

Yep, just goes to show that we don't know as much about our country as we thought. Yes, Stockton is on a spur and there is a ferry across to the "mainland". Had a great night, it was trivia night so did that as well, we were terrible at it, came last in both sections even after being given 10 extra points for being Queenslanders.

As we had not been to Newcastle before, W and B insisted in showing us around. We walked to the ferry after lunch the following day, they met us and we did the tour, Walker style. Hot chocolate before returning via ferry. Think we walked about twelve ks. The next day we drove to W and B's for a bbq to meet up with their daughter, her husband and baby, ten month old Harry.

Oh dear, we realised that we saw them last when they visit us, fifteen years ago, Amy was about to enter uni. Far too long between visits, however our visits were just like we saw them a month before. We have all said that we won't leave it for another fifteen years.

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