Sunday 28 August 2022

Temperate blanket

 This intrigued me and I had seen a few of them but I didn't really like what I saw so I created my own.

Basically a temperate blanket is crocheting one row each day of the year to correspond with that days temp. Therefore it would be 365 rows with many different shades.

Too hard basket for me so I choose six colours and did a granny square for each day.

Blue 15 to 19, green 20 to 24, yellow 25 to 29 and red for 30 plus. A final row of grey around each one. 

I set it out like a calendar with Monday being the first day, if Wednesday was the first day of the month, then it was a solid grey and maroon was a filler at the end of the month.

It was to be Jan and Feb with Mar and Apr under it, then I realised how big it would end up. Warren has six months and I will have the second six months on a smaller scale.

Wednesday 24 August 2022


 While on holidays, I completed four crochet blankets, had some stitching to do once we got home as it's far easier to stitch them together on a large table.

As we don't drive as far as we used to in a day and we stop often, Warren likes to drive and pretty much does it all so I crochet while he drives. There is a fourth one, all in blue that I started on the second last day and finished at the weekend, I didn't take a photo of that one before I packed it up with the others for delivery.

Sunday 21 August 2022

Newcastle/Stockton beach

 Hate driving through Sydney so we usually drive through NSW west of Sydney. However we wanted to catch up with old friends who live in Newcastle, north of Sydney. Actually it is more north than we thought but anyway we went from Tooraweenah directly East to Stockton. 

Our friends had picked a pub to meet up for dinner which was only a km from our caravan park. We were going to walk then realised it would be dark coming home so we did drive just as well as there were road works and detours. We were early but so were they. They had caught a bus and then a ferry! What!

Yep, just goes to show that we don't know as much about our country as we thought. Yes, Stockton is on a spur and there is a ferry across to the "mainland". Had a great night, it was trivia night so did that as well, we were terrible at it, came last in both sections even after being given 10 extra points for being Queenslanders.

As we had not been to Newcastle before, W and B insisted in showing us around. We walked to the ferry after lunch the following day, they met us and we did the tour, Walker style. Hot chocolate before returning via ferry. Think we walked about twelve ks. The next day we drove to W and B's for a bbq to meet up with their daughter, her husband and baby, ten month old Harry.

Oh dear, we realised that we saw them last when they visit us, fifteen years ago, Amy was about to enter uni. Far too long between visits, however our visits were just like we saw them a month before. We have all said that we won't leave it for another fifteen years.

Sunday 14 August 2022


 First visit in over three years. We have caches there and like to check on any of our owned caches once a year. I had packed supplies to do this, only one was missing Miss Frilly Knickers. A small teddy bear with, you guessed it frilly knickers glued to a mint tin. She had been placed in a type of cave in the rock on the side of the road. Had been found a month ago, we think that frilly knickers hadn't been put back securely and maybe an animal had taken it. Any way we replaced in with an ordinary container. Finders had added or replaced logs on some of the others. Very pleased to see that.

It was Warren's birthday, the day we were there so I took him to the pub for lunch. There is a pub, a post office, garage and caravan park.

Wedges with bacon cheese sweet chilli and topped sour cream. Yum, we shared and couldn't finish the bowl!

Scenes from Tooraweenah sunny day.

Friday 12 August 2022


 Famous for its caves. We have stayed at the caves caravan park a few times but decided to stay at the Riverside cp this time instead. 

Settling up the camper we heard a loud bang, it was one of the gas structs it had snapped at the bolt.

Goats grazing along the river at the back of our camp site.

We got it over and set up then Warren took it off.

This is the other side one which is intact. No joy in Wellington to get any but could get a pair in Dubbo, 45 KMs away and on our way the next morning.

Too easy, of course, could not get the bolts that attach the struct to the trailer, apparently they are a special from Cub, maker of the camper trailer. We have now ordered a set from there. 

Packing and unpacking needs to be done a little differently, the broken side needs to be "braked" when coming down so that it doesnt collapse too quickly but so far we have done it twice and only need two more before we are home.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Metro in Canberra

 Three years ago a light rail opened in Canberra, north of the city. At the moment it only runs from the northern suburbs into Civic, (CBD).

I like trains and trams so we drove to the end of the line, not that far from where we were staying, parked and bought a ticket. All day cost us $9.

Wow, quiet and fast. Fourteen stops and it runs every fifteen minutes, would have been great when I was working as there was a stop seven minutes walk, would have saved me a few parking tickets. Opposite my office building was parking for four hours, always the intention to move the car at lunch, sometimes it happened, sometimes it didn't, sometimes I got a ticket, probably one a fortnight.

We went all the way to Civic, checked out my old building which is now a restaurant, two in fact, one Chinese and one Malay, we went to the Malay as the first one was full, no tables to be had.

We lunched and then caught the next one back as it was too cold to be out for long.

Warren was impressed by the fact that the tram had right of way, did not have to stop at any lights. Plans and construction are in place to extend it to the south. The sooner the better I think.

Black swans

 Great photo of black swans that are on Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra.

Not my photo but a friends who did a good job which is why I am using it.

Sunday 7 August 2022


 Is a small village just outside of Canberra. We headed out to find the park run venue  about twenty minutes away. We walked some of the track around a lake and there was a lot of debris which the rain and excess water had thrown up.

Hall is about ten is out, the highway used to go there but it has been bypassed for many years. Hall is an interesting place, lots of history and it was decided that it was not to be developed past what it was so if someone wants to live there, they have to buy an existing house. 

Not sure how many live there but there is only about three streets either side of the main road.

From there we went to the Australian War Memorial, years and years since we have been. It is having a make it over and we couldn't go to all but wandering around for an hour was plenty.

Free to go in but had to be ticketed, I was surprised at the numbers of families there on a Friday.

Friday 5 August 2022

Rain and more rain.

 An hour after getting the road, it started to rain and it kept raining all the way to Canberra. We stopped for toilets and lunch and they had nothing prepared at this particular road stop. We continued to the bakery, we were in NSW at the time and theyback into the curb, bit difficult when towing.

I saw a clearway but there was a sign saying no parking on Thursday between 10am and . 2pm on Thursdays. Thinking we were okay, Warren pulled in, then we realised it was Thursday and 1.30pm. A country store was further down, again no hot food, could only buy a muffin.

At Cooma, I suggested we pull over for a hot drink and hopefully there would be a break in the weather. Warren wanted to keep going as it was only 120ks away.

Soon we were seeing familiar roads even though the GPS took us around Canberra and to the north arriving at 3.30pm. Because of the rain, it was almost dark. Warren insisted in putting the trailer up himself, saying that it was no point both of us getting wet.

It was only about ten minutes before we were inside. No cooking for us last night, we went out to our old suburb and bought takeaway.

Rained on and off during the night and we woke to clear blue skies this morning.


 Quite a big place. We went for a country drive and saw a couple of hundred black swans in a paddock. Western Australia is known for having black swans but I didn't know that they were in the eastern states.

There were about a dozen on the foreshore.

This fish was in the shade so it was hard to get a decent shot of it.

We were on the top side,interesting path down, no steps but sloping path for three or four metres then flat for two then more slopes. We continued around the foreshore for about one kilometre before the wind got to us, it was cold.

Wednesday 3 August 2022


At Stoney point, we were very close to the ferry that went to French Island and then to Phillip Island before returning to Stoney Point. No towns, sewerage or electricity on French island but about 100 people live there. Phillip Island is quite large and there is a bridge to get there, it would be easier to get the ferry and then a train. Train station was the other side of the caravan park.

Today we saw another ferry going to and from Raymond Island, it was a car ferry and walk ons were free. Again we had to take a foot selfie to prove we had been there. Today was a caching day, we did an adventure lab, a virtual plus four trads


No money!

 What an awful feeling. Packing up yesterday morning Warren couldn't find his wallet. We had been to Supercheap and then we went to a cafe before going to Rob's. 

Maybe it had fallen out of his pocket at Rob's or he had left it at the cafe. The coffee place didn't have a phone number so couldn't ring them, rang Rob and he had a look on couch.

We decided we would go via the coffee place, nothing had been handed in, we went back to Rob's, had a coffee with him while Warren organised to cancel bank cards. No money was in the wallet only drivers licence, credit card and pension card. Before we put a hold on the card, I transferred money from savings account to our other cards that we have our sanity money in.

All this mucking around meant leaving Melbourne later than planned. As Rob lives on the East side of the city, we decided to go out further east and then go north to Canberra. Usually we go through the middle of Melbourne and then north taking about two hours to get out of the city.

We took a break an hour or so later for lunch and petrol. Then we just hoped that the transfer had gone through as our saving/credit card was now on hold. Whoops, I had $30 in my account, luckily Warren had $143 in his account. These are our pocket money account which gets $50 a month. The transfers had not gone through. We knew how much our next two nights were going to cost and instead of filling the car, we had to limit that. 

Settled into the caravan park and I cooked dinner while Warren went cupboards all two of them in the trailer, we knew that thecardhad not been used so we're thinking that maybe it was in the van or the car. 

Having dinner in front of the tv and weboth saw it at the same time. Warren must have put his wallet under the tv and on the leg. TV has to be moved to under the bedcovers when we pack up so he had moved it and also moved it again when he set it up. He had been thinking about it and his wallet was moving in his jacket when he took the Annex down.

The bank had only put a temporary hold on the card so we were able to reactivate it. His money transfer came through this morning but the money that transferred to my account is still not there. Good idea though to have other accounts. 

Almost Spring

 Yeah, right. Think the weather gods haven't looked at the calendar as it is still so cold.

It hasn't been above 20 for many days. Today being on the east coast, weather report says 19.5 but feels like 12.5. Not sure how they come to that conclusion but I would agree, it is quite windy.

Arriving at Rob's in Melbourne, there is a small park and playground opposite his house and I saw a tree thinking about spring (do trees think?).

If you look closely there is a hint of colour there.

We have a red car and our grandson just bought a red car last month, he passed his licensee on the first try last week. Second grandchild to do so, I thought it was rather rare to get it on the first, so two for two, third one is learning.

Anyway theres red and then there's red.

Monday 1 August 2022

Gluten free

 We took the kids out for dinner on Saturday night. Kids being son, daughter in law, grandson and grand daughter. Daughter in law and grand daughter both need to eat gluten free. 

We left it up to Rob to choose where we would eat so the girls would have a selection for their meals.

Mel ordered a beef burger as there was gluten free buns. Warren ordered for all, writing orders down on his sign in at the club. It was stressed to him that their meals had to be gluten free. 

A few minutes later, a supervisor came out and said that the buns were gluten free but the beef hamburger was not. Hardly a gluten-free option then. She was able to change it to chicken in a gf bun.

At least Warren being gluten intolerant could have eaten the beef burger with no or little hassle but they can't. They don't eat out very often for that reason.

Today after school Lindsay cut a piece of chocolate cake, I asked her if it was okay for her to eat she's ten, "Yep, Daddy makes it with gluten-free flour so I can have it"