Wednesday 2 February 2022

Dog bed

 Lucy has a couple of dedicated spots in the house where she sleeps. A mat on the carpet in the dining room, Warren's cane chair once her towel is over it, the sofa in the lounge and finally a blanket in our room at the bottom of the bed, on the floor.

One time after we had been away in the camper, she decided that she would sleep in our room so we bought a blanket that folded in half. She usually starts off in there and during the night she wanders off either to her chair or the sofa.

Her blanket is usually straightened when we make our  bed, if its not straight she wont sleep on it. Cant remember who made the bed today and her bed wasnt done so she made a point of not sleeping on it.

Warren mumbled about not pampering to a dog and so she slept off to the side.

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