Saturday 26 February 2022

My temperature blanket

 I have seen several of these over the years in various ways. Mostly done as one row for each day and each temperature having its own colour. That means 365 rows and about fifteen colours. I didnt want anything like that so I came up with my own plan. 

I have five different colours for the temps. 10 to 14 is light blue 15 to 19 is a darker blue, 20 to 24 is green, 25 to 29 is yellow 30 plus is red. Grey is for the surround colour and a solid grey for the start if the months with no dates.

Each square is 3.5 inches wide and it will be two months wide so seventy inches. It will make two blankets, one from January to  June and the other from July to December.

First month.

I have numbers for the blanks to read 2022. First day was green as it was cool but I didnt like that colour so will redo that one. Feb is almost done.

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