Saturday 31 July 2021

Walk across France

 This is a novel that Warren and I both read about twenty plus years ago. Its rare that we read the same book and this one really grabbed us at the time and since. We have often mentioned it since reading it.  Not sure if it was the thought or the adventure.

A few weeks ago, it came up in conversation again and Warren told that he had bought another copy. It took me awhile to get to it to read although I was looking forward to it.

I was disappointed in the book the second time around and it actually annoyed me. 

It was about a couple, he worked as a stock broker and referred to it as "shouting down the phone." He decided that he had had enough and so quit. He and his wife then thought to take a month and walk across France. She was half french so had some language, he also spoke and understood a little french. 

They did no training except one day walking of about 13 kilometres. 

He was obsessed with maps and mapped out where they would go and stay making it between 25 and 33 kms a day. Many times the temperatures were over 100 degrees as well. 

I had to force myself to finish the book. There were also a lot of french words used in tge text and no translations.

They suffered blisters and poor accommodations, did the five hundred kms in a month, carrying packs of about 15 to 20 lbs in them. 

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