Tuesday 13 July 2021

Rail trail

 As I didnt experience any soreness or stiffness after Sundays ride, it was time to go further.

We had walked on parts of the rail trail but never from the start. Warren told me that I should be trying out the gears and what mode, low, medium or high to find out what suits me best.

I had had it in low and third gear before. Most of the way was straight and flat plys its quite wide. Ended up going for medium mode, no jerking when the motor cuts in lije Sunday and I ended up in sixth or top gear. The mode and gears can be selected when stationary.

When I learnt to ride around nine, I was a late starter, my school friends taught me to ride, there were no gears on bikes and I have never fathomed out how and when to use gears.

Warren has a speedo on his scooter along with cruise control! Apparently at one point we were going at 20kph.

He was trying it out, while I took a break.

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