Thursday 29 July 2021

Hornibrook highway

 Years ago when I was a kid, we took a mammoth journey from Sth Australia to Queensland, I was eleven, my mum and dad plus aunt, uncle and cousin, he was ten.

We travelled in one car and once we arrived, we drive over the Hornibrook bridge several times. Longest bridge that I had ever seen but the bumpiest. Stone pillars but wooden slats.

Now, there is a new road and bridge just to the east of it and the two ends have been left.

There is a cache at the base of the tree but to get it, the tide needs to right, another day when it wasnt right for us, it will keep.

We walked along the walk way getting our exercise and caches.

A heron was on the path, we were hoping that it wouldnt fly ibto the traffic and then a bije rider came along and it flew the other way.

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