Saturday 3 July 2021


 Little tiny grey buggars. We have had some issues with ants before, small black ants and Warrens solution has been to put down a couple of drops of ant rid. That gets rid of the small black ones but the tiny grey ones dont seem to like ant rid and they give it a wide berth. 

Coming back from holidays with our ensuite not used in that time, the ants had really made themselves at home and were eating the tile glue. I guess fortunate for us they are only in the bathrooms.

We were able to get a pest guy to come in a couple of days and he gas sprayed inside abd out, he found a nest in the wall between our walk in robe and ensuite. We now have a large hole in the wall. He had asked Warren to make a small opening. Warren said that it was easier to repair a larger hole rather than a small hole, its behind a door and still open as they need to do a follow-up in a month's time.

Its working as we have many dead or dying ants on the floor. I can sweep or vacuum but cant mop for two weeks, what a shame that is. Will have to suck the little buggars up again tomorrow. 

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