Saturday 31 July 2021

Walk across France

 This is a novel that Warren and I both read about twenty plus years ago. Its rare that we read the same book and this one really grabbed us at the time and since. We have often mentioned it since reading it.  Not sure if it was the thought or the adventure.

A few weeks ago, it came up in conversation again and Warren told that he had bought another copy. It took me awhile to get to it to read although I was looking forward to it.

I was disappointed in the book the second time around and it actually annoyed me. 

It was about a couple, he worked as a stock broker and referred to it as "shouting down the phone." He decided that he had had enough and so quit. He and his wife then thought to take a month and walk across France. She was half french so had some language, he also spoke and understood a little french. 

They did no training except one day walking of about 13 kilometres. 

He was obsessed with maps and mapped out where they would go and stay making it between 25 and 33 kms a day. Many times the temperatures were over 100 degrees as well. 

I had to force myself to finish the book. There were also a lot of french words used in tge text and no translations.

They suffered blisters and poor accommodations, did the five hundred kms in a month, carrying packs of about 15 to 20 lbs in them. 

Thursday 29 July 2021

Hornibrook highway

 Years ago when I was a kid, we took a mammoth journey from Sth Australia to Queensland, I was eleven, my mum and dad plus aunt, uncle and cousin, he was ten.

We travelled in one car and once we arrived, we drive over the Hornibrook bridge several times. Longest bridge that I had ever seen but the bumpiest. Stone pillars but wooden slats.

Now, there is a new road and bridge just to the east of it and the two ends have been left.

There is a cache at the base of the tree but to get it, the tide needs to right, another day when it wasnt right for us, it will keep.

We walked along the walk way getting our exercise and caches.

A heron was on the path, we were hoping that it wouldnt fly ibto the traffic and then a bije rider came along and it flew the other way.

Friday 23 July 2021


 We were waiting for masks to come off before doing this piece of shopping. With the masks being extended we thought buggar it, we will wear the masks and take Lucy shopping. 

She has needed a new collar and harness for awhile and I had bought her a new set but they were not bug enough for her so we realised that we had to take her in. 

Luckily Petbarn allows dogs on leads. She was one of two in the store.

Going for a walk this morning. The look on her face says why arent we going? 

Wednesday 21 July 2021

A structured c2c

 Been working on this one for the last week, I wanted to make it look more uniform so four rows of each colour. Decided to make it a metre square, good for a knee rug. There is a tiny ball of each colour left over so would need an extra ball if I made it bigger.

Then I made an owl basket, our crochet tutor sent out a pattern so I thought I should try it. First try was too big as it didnt really stand up but slumped so made it again on a smaller base and sides.

Friday 16 July 2021

A day out

 A week ago I told Warren that I wanted a day out, my choice was Dayboro, still lots of caches to find out there. As we would be getting in and out of the car at regular times, we decided to leave Lucy at home.

Warren wanted to go on the shorter 4wd track, its much quicker and shorter but it can be a bit rough as there are dips in the road at regular intervals. The dips save the road from breaking up and or flooding.

Scenery is stunning though plus I knew that there were two caches along the way.

First stop was successful except I did not realise my hair was so gray! Warren told me ut was because I was in the shade. While I want to beleive him, I think he is spinning a line.

There was a horse out there somewhere but not in ghe photo.

Massive tree, near the dog park. Total for the day was four horses heads (puzzles) one letterbox and five traditionals plus lunch in the park, a good day.

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Rail trail

 As I didnt experience any soreness or stiffness after Sundays ride, it was time to go further.

We had walked on parts of the rail trail but never from the start. Warren told me that I should be trying out the gears and what mode, low, medium or high to find out what suits me best.

I had had it in low and third gear before. Most of the way was straight and flat plys its quite wide. Ended up going for medium mode, no jerking when the motor cuts in lije Sunday and I ended up in sixth or top gear. The mode and gears can be selected when stationary.

When I learnt to ride around nine, I was a late starter, my school friends taught me to ride, there were no gears on bikes and I have never fathomed out how and when to use gears.

Warren has a speedo on his scooter along with cruise control! Apparently at one point we were going at 20kph.

He was trying it out, while I took a break.

Monday 12 July 2021

New wheels

 With having to wear masks when shopping, its easier to shop online.

Warren has bought himself a project bike and we picked it up during the week.

Then my new bike arrived by post on Friday. Warren put it together, charged it and we went for a ride on Sunday. 

Sunday 11 July 2021

Fuel prices

 Oh my goodness, fuel has gone through the roof. We were ouf the other day and the little petrol man lit up in the car. We do have about 90 kms once that comes on so we headed for a servo on the way home.

Special unleaded was $1.75! When we travel or towing, we usually put 98 in the car. Not so that day, we went for the standard and only about $40. I noticed today that prices are coming down, $1.55, better but certainly not good.

Saturday 10 July 2021


 Lock down for us finished last week but we still have to wear masks when we leave the house unless exercising. Mask wearing is crap if one wears glasses so I have only left the house to have my second vaccine and I grabbed a few groceries the same day.

Having to stay home in a wet cold week means TV watching.

We thought we had recorded a program on TV that I wanted to watch, got five minutes if it and then nothing. Warren felt a bit guilty so he researched and discovered that we could watch it on ABC iview.

Thursday was a dreak day, dont know if that is the correct spelling as it is a Welsh word and really seems to fit a day that is dreary with showers of rain. I asked Warren to set up Mystery Road, it was so good that we ended up watching 6 episodes, five and a half hours.

Brilliant series which does have one of my favourite actors in it. 

Saturday 3 July 2021


 Little tiny grey buggars. We have had some issues with ants before, small black ants and Warrens solution has been to put down a couple of drops of ant rid. That gets rid of the small black ones but the tiny grey ones dont seem to like ant rid and they give it a wide berth. 

Coming back from holidays with our ensuite not used in that time, the ants had really made themselves at home and were eating the tile glue. I guess fortunate for us they are only in the bathrooms.

We were able to get a pest guy to come in a couple of days and he gas sprayed inside abd out, he found a nest in the wall between our walk in robe and ensuite. We now have a large hole in the wall. He had asked Warren to make a small opening. Warren said that it was easier to repair a larger hole rather than a small hole, its behind a door and still open as they need to do a follow-up in a month's time.

Its working as we have many dead or dying ants on the floor. I can sweep or vacuum but cant mop for two weeks, what a shame that is. Will have to suck the little buggars up again tomorrow. 

Friday 2 July 2021

Lock down projects

 Warren cleaned the driveway with the steam water machine. Did half one day and finished the next.

While relaxing and enjoying coffee on the patio the following morning, he said we needed to move everything off it so that could be cleaned as well. 

Oh, boy, we do have quite a bit of furniture out there. Very heavy coffee table, a swing seat, a garden seat, bbq plus miscellaneous bits and pieces. With both of us though it didnt take long to empty it.

Does look much betteŕ.