Friday 5 June 2020

New Carpet

Last time we had the carpets cleaned we could see some wear on our bedroom one. Which is fair enough as it is seventeen years old and nothing last forever.

It was especially wore at the doorway and I had bought a small runner mat to cover it.

Next year was when we had down to redo our bedroom a bit but with Covid19 rearing its ugly head and not going on holidays, we decided we might as well do it this year.

The plan was blinds for the window, wall to ceiling wardrobe and new carpet. Wardrobe costs came in double what we expected even with a fudge factor so we ditched that idea, figuring that there are three other bedrooms with wardrobes that we can use plus we probably need/should get rid of excess clothes.
Not a terribly good photo but the colour is a milky coffee brown. 
Now it's a nice silver grey, very nice to walk on. Lucky enough to go last month to arrange it when the company had just posted 20% savings on Australian made carpet. The adverts went on TV the next day. 

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