Sunday 28 June 2020


We had to drive past Maryborough the other day on our trip north and we decided to stop in. It was a bit out of our way as the highway bypassed it years ago. I like doing virtuals
and there was a newish one in the town. Hum, not sure if it is a town or a city, it was reasonably big with several traffic lights so maybe it is a city or heading that way.

Anyway it was a interesting place. We had to park a couple of streets away from the town centre as we had the camper on board. Warren and Lucy stayed with the car while I walked to the info boards that I needed.

Maryborough was a place of firsts, first post office in Qld and it is still in existance in the orginal building, almost 150 years. First school started by the nuns that Mary Mckillop was a part of, its probably named after her. Unfortunately the district also had the first deaths from the plague in 1908.

The district had to appoint a minister of nusiances as goats, pigs and sheep used to run riot down the main street. Hard to believe that livestock are still there but now they are at least contained.

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