Saturday 20 June 2020

A challenge for the year

We have a few caches and as well as finding them, they are lots of challenges as well. One common one is to find a cache every day for at least a year. Not one that we will do but there is one very similar which is to find a cache on every day, now it almost seems the same but there is a slight difference.

Looking to fill in a grid for each day and it doesnt matter how long it takes, it's the doing. I worked out the days we needed in large January, I think it was an average of six days per month that we were missing. We got the back end of Jan, all of Feb and March, helped that I went to Tassie and filled in four days. Only one day was vacant in April but as we were in lockdown, only going out for essentials, couldnt justify going to find a cache was an essential service so that date will have to wait until next year.

May, when some restrictions were eased saw us out and about and luckily, there had been a series of caches not too far from home published just before lockdown.

A couple of weeks ago was a cache day and I had targeted one where we had been before. It was a nice walk up an old train line.
Last time we were here, it was dirt. A nice bitumen track going between two towns, it is 10 km long. Most of it goes along side of a main highway, the bike/walking track is lower and there is only a few times when you can hear the traffic. Yes, we got the cache, so, so far we are up to date for this month only two more dates to get.

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