Monday 1 June 2020

An afternoon walk

First day of winter today and I decided that I need to walk more. I thought I might as well take Lucy as she is looking a bit board in the beam as well.

My plan was to walk down our street, through to and around the park and back again. Lucy thought she was going down along the creek, we had a stand off for a few seconds but as I had the end of the lead, I won.

We headed down the street and I saw a school bus and kids getting off, then I saw four people coming out of the streets and around the corner of the shop. Because of social distancing, they were talking loudly and said that the silver car did a u turn and the other slammed into it. Guys everywhere in highvi jackets, three towtrucks and ambo.

Lucy and I went the opposite way and had to walk around people standing out in their front yards.

Halfway through the park and I saw a toddler didn't look much more than two years running down. Then I saw Dad out to the side of the path, about twenty metres from us with a big German Shepherd trying to get off his lead and barking and groaning with Lucy in its sight. We were too close to turn and walk the other way so we kept going. Bit scary.

Glad to get home.

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