Sunday 28 July 2019

Scotch Eggs

I was asked about these a few days ago, yes, I knew about them and had made them when doing home science at high school. Now that was a long time ago, I dont remember if I have made them since but decided to give them a go today.

The cooking method was deep frying, I am sure that we didnt deep fry anything at high school and we baked them.

The recipe called for sausage meat but not one who follows recipes, that didnt faze me. I used mince  but put it through the thermomix with some spinach and spices. I wanted a slightly wet mix to mould around the eggs.

Boiled the eggs and peeled them, I put some mince into the palm of my hand, added an egg and then sculptured more mince around the egg until it was fully covered.

I used a mixture of coconut and parm cheese to coat them in.
Chilled them until it was time to cook. 
I used some of abottle of tomato passata in a pie tin and a little on top of each one. They were quicker to cook than I thought.
Served them on a bed of red cabbage.
Very filling and a different way to serve mince.

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