Sunday 7 July 2019

Sunday afternoon bliss

For some reason I was awake for a couple of hours during the night, hence breakfast was around nine oclock this morning. We had done housework yesterday so it was a free day from chores today. Warren got offered some stones for the garden, a timely gift as we were able tobuy some as soon as we get our trailer back.He collected them while Lucy and I went for a walk.

Lunch was leftover vegetables with acouple of slices of bacon and eggs, easy pleasy.

Some knitting, some reading then a nanna nap while Warren watched motor racing.

Dinner was also a quick easy meal, grilled chicken wings and mushrooms in a creamy sauce. Mum and Dad gave us a vertical grill years and years ago, they didnt use it. We dont use it very much but it is a brilliant way to cook chicken wings, they come out crisp and tasty.

Of course while I enjoyed my day I know that really I was putting a few things off. I has three tasks to do which I am avoiding. Two of them involes computer work, one will take a couple of hours the other much longer probably six to eight hours and the third one is a sewing project that will take about two hours to finish, that one does have a deadline, it needs to be finished before next month.

Oh well tomorrow is another day and hopefully I can get started on one of them. 

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