Sunday 28 July 2019

Shakedown trip to Birdsville

We wanted to go out in the camper trailer for acouple of nights to see what we really needed and what we could do without.
Rainbow beach has been discussed before the trouble with the Jeep.  Then we had the hassle with that, buying the new car and getting the towbar fitted.
Warren then mentioned that now with the camper and car,we could go to Birdsville. As it is very hot out there, my thought was to go now rather than later. We had ten days with no committments or nothing that couldnt be changed and it fitted in just after the Big Bash music festival.
A big shop as I wanted todo it on a budget but when comes time to pack the fridge, its smaller than the caravan so not able to take as much food as I intended.
As it cuts off a lot of time going through the Brisbane tunnels, we went that way but waited until the morning traffic had gone through, leaving home at 9.45am.
An early lunch, two hours later at the base of the range, it is a massive truck stop with toilets and bins. No caches though! May have to change that.
Talking about stopping in Chinchilla at the showgrounds, we discovered that we had very little cash between us so a stop in Dalby was required to find an ATM.
Warren went to a bank while Lucy and I toured the gardens and then got our first cache for the trip. We arrived in Chinchilla about 3pm and got set up. I started cooking dinner just after 5pm as the cooker is outside and the sink is as well so wanteddinner and clean up finished before dark.

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