Tuesday 26 September 2017

Protection Island

This is a small island off the coast from Nanaimo (this is pron a different way to how I asked for tickets on the ferry, thankfully though the lady selling the tickets realised and corrected me).

We waited for the ferry in a waiting room? that was on the water so a little rocky. Ferry goes every hour and it is about a ten minute trip. We calculated that we would be approx four hours as had to estimate for the car parking.

Caught the 1.10am ferry and went out across the water, both drivers we had very skilled at berthing the ferry and tied up with no assistance. On the island at the dock is the Dinghy Dock Pub, the walkway went to the right for the island and to the ,eft for the pub. We had lunch first and sat out on the dock, great lunch!

It is approx two and a half kms long but maybe one and a half with 144 houses on it (we counted), we walked most of the roads and found interesting houses and went geo caching. People over there get around by golf cart or walking, no shops or services except the mail boxes.

We met a girl walking and she told us that they go over for weekends, she worked in Nanaimo as a teacher. She said on the island her kids 9 &6 were "free range".

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