Wednesday 27 September 2017

A Different Shopping Experience

Went to a mall yesterday. The guys went to a movie and we checked out the stores seeing what was the same and what was different.

We visited a clothing store and one of the assistants came over,  welcomed us and explained where things were, they had some red ticket items (sale).

I picked up a couple of things that I wanted to try on. Same lady came over and chatted about them and then asked me a question. I was surprised that I didnt understand her and said "Im sorry could you say that again please". A little slower and louder she again said what I thought she said "Can I prepare a room for you" what?

Feeling a little preplexed I told her I didnt understand what she meant.

As I had some items in my hand, she had asked what I thought she said but didnt it make any sense to me. In this store if you want to try clothes on, they take the clothes into a changing room and when finished looking, you can then go to that room and try on the clothes. A very different experience.

When we did go to the changing rooms, there were the items that I had chosen hanging up, another assistant was in the area and told that she could get other colurs or sizes for me if I needed them. My name was written ib chalk on the one of the doors.

Three hooks inside the changing room, with Love it,  not for me and Tempted. Jenny did bring me another top as I requested, in  a smaller size!

Some items were 50% off and because I bought two items the second one was a further 20% down. I did buy two pr of jeans, two other pr of pants and a ful, price top all for $143, got to be happy with that, I certainly was. Now to fit them in my suitcase.

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