Monday 4 September 2017

Jasper to Sun Peaks

Got a sleep in today, suitcases out at 7.30 am and us on the bus ready to roll at 8.30 am. Then we had morning tea at 8.30 am, we had driven for an hour ro Mt Robson, the highest mountain in the area at 3900plus metres. We didnt see the top, it was in the clouds.

Lunch was at Dutch Lake a pretty little place, we took a bit of a detour of the highway to get there as it was nicer apparently than the town on the way.
He was on the wall while we were waiting to order lunch. Basic lunch of soup or sandwiches. 
One thing for sure there is plenty of bathrooms stops. Today on the bus we watched a short dvd about the mounties, I was interested in seeing but i lasted about five minutes before falling asleep. Most of us didnt get much sleep last night and dont know why.

Water lillies on the lake.We came down from the mountains and came into some farming communities.
Tonight we are at a little place called SunPeaks Lodge. There seems to be a circular spot of hotels and restaurants with houses back a bit, it looks very Swiss. Dinner was a shared schnitzel we had been told that most  couples have one between two and Im glad that we went that way, it came with red cabbage which was just devine and something that looks like calamari, it wasnt, I thought it tasted like cheese but apparently it was egg noodles.

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