Monday 4 September 2017

On the way to Whistler

A special morning tea was posted and then out tour director tells us that we are stopping at at ranch and the tour company is paying for either a muffin or a sausage roll, reportly world famous. They wete good but a little spicy for me, Warren and I shared half each. Yep, I know neither are in my way of eating but its so much easier to stick to it when home.
This is the lady that met the bus, dressed in period costume, there was also a girl dressed in Indian buckskins but I didnt take a photo.

Coffee was good, it was only my second coffee since arriving in Canada, it is usually so strong!

The flowers are beautiful, often stores and hotels have huge hanging baskets of flowers. Just stunning displays.
After we had had morning tea and we all opted to sit outside, they brought out the stage coach and horses, could take a tour of the ranch including a ride on the stagecoach but we were only there for 45 mins so we took photos.

We continued on to and through Cache Creek, we were travelling mainly through First Nation country.
Houses were built at the base of the mountains.
Taken while travelling in the bus.

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