Monday 16 September 2024

99 cents day

 I did my usual shopping last thursday and when I got there it was 99 cent day.

Several items were priced at, you guessed it, 99 cents.

Corn rice cakes were 99 cents, packets of sausages and 90 second rice, tins of baked beans and spagetti, a few other things that I dont buy.

Sausages are nit commin in our household any more but at 99 cents I made an exception, only four in a pack but enough for a meal.

Last night I made a curry, again not common here.

I boiled the sausages which takes out any excess fat, about a cup and a half of frozen vege a third jar of curry that was loitering in the pantry, I had bought it on a whim a couple of weeks ago. 90 sec rice which I was only going to use half but the curry sauce was a bit hot so added it all. Sliced the snags and threw it all together, and there it was a curry for a small amount of mibey thanks to the 99 cent day. There is enough left for lunch for tomorrow.

Not a meal for every week but good for a change, now I need to work out what to do with the rest of the curry sauce.

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